This screenshot presents the different items of lip products which I sourced from the internet, to be used for my make up page - which is mainly centred around lip based products.
I found these drawings of different beauty products on a fashion blog on the internet. This gave me inspiration to draw my own products for my make up double page spread.
To do this I printed off a couple of pages containing pictures of lip products i wished to use. I then used the light box to help trace the drawings using opaque paper with a black fine liner. When i was happy with the drawings I had produced, I scanned in each page and put them in photoshop so i could edit them and colour them in.
Once they were all coloured I saved each product as a PNG with a transparent background so that it could be imported into Indesign.
I created a brief plan on Photoshop with the makeup products I was using so I could use the space of the document effectively and could play around with they type of the title.
I then imported the makeup drawings and also imported my photo. Here is a screenshot of my DPS in working progress in InDesign.
Here is a zoomed in screenshot of my nearly finished product in InDesign. I did this as you can clearly see the fonts I chose, bits of the drawings, the picture, the graphic and parts of the caption.