16 Dec 2013

Magazine Draft

This is the first draft of my magazine. I chose one of my scamps and tested out doing the front cover, so to experiment with the cover lines and image before the final piece. I created the title in Photoshop and moved it to Photoshop. 

I chose this picture for my draft as i was replicating my scamps and this picture is clear, with good body language and posture for the front of a magazine.

I then placed the image on Photoshop so I could write the cover lines, position the image and title around the image.

Here is a screenshot of my final piece in Photoshop. I added the cover lines that I made for the magazine and added graphic elements to make the magazine professional.

Here is the final piece of my draft. If I was to change anything about this piece I would choose another image as this one is slightly blurry. I would also even out the distribution of my cover lines so that they were equal on both sides.

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