12 Nov 2013

John's Awful Business Card

This is a poorly designed business card our teacher gave to us, our task was then to recreate the business card showing each format of Type Dynamics. Below are my designs for a Concord, Conflict and Contrasting business card.

This card is concordant as the type on the card is all just one font. This makes the card look dull and boring.

This card is conflicting as both fonts are very similar, as both carry the handwritten/ script look. But they are clearly different so making the card look messy and badly designed.

I have tried to make the contrasting look clear on this card by using 3 different alignments, 4 different types, italics, bolding, gradients and different sizes. This makes the card look really messy, unprofessional and disorderly.  

Working Progress
This is a screenshot of my business card in photoshop. We used photoshop as it is easy to download fonts onto and it is easy move elements around the page to create your project.

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