24 Nov 2013

Magazine Research


For part of my magazine research I used an online program called pinterest. Pinterest is a program where you can search for a topic you are interested in, and you can 'pin it' so that images associated with that topic appear on you home page. I used Pinterest to search for fashion magazine layouts, so to gain inspiration and ideas for my own magazine when I start designing it.

Google Image Search
I also used google image search. I used this as google images provides a range of images according to the topic you search. Therefore as you can see from the screenshot I have gained a lot of pictures of fashion magazines. Which I can use for inspiration when thinking of colours and headings for the cover and double page spread.

 Physical Research
The final method of magazine research I did was I went into town and into WHSmith. So that i could physically look at different fashion magazines for inspiration and so I could actually look through the magazines myself and see the double page spreads. I think these 3 methods of research are the most efficient and useful as they provide a large range of different and interesting

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